Thursday, December 5, 2013

New Course Options Finalized

There are many possibilities regarding the implementation of Edgenuity courses.  Here are the starting points.

Credit Recovery
We are using Edgenuity to recover first semester credit for the 2013-2014 school year.  The immediate notion is that there will be no cost associated with this venture.  In an effort to eliminate future 5th year seniors, administrators have been asked to peruse their students in grades 9-11 and list any student who needs to catch-up. If you are one of these students, please make an appointment with an administrator or counselor in the near future.

Summer School
At the end of the third 9 weeks, principals have been asked to determine that it is in the best interest of students to begin credit recovery in lieu of waiting for summer school. If we use this program during the summer, because summer school personnel must be hired, there will be a charge.

Credit Earned
All 2nd or more attempts at credit will not be weighted.  All first attempts at core classes will be weighted +1.  All first attempts at non-core classes will not be weighted.

Completion Dates
Credit Recovery must be completed by the end of a given semester. Summer School credit must be earned by June 30. Credits for acceleration will be earned at the end of the course or until the program is no longer offered, which, if funds are not sufficient, will be December 2014.

Students are encouraged to review the offerings below and speak to either an administrator or counselor if interested.