Thursday, October 25, 2012

Brantley Said

In the Dynamic Duo piece, it was stated that "The tables have turned"and we are proud to say that we now have many collaborative classrooms that we would and have readily invited our neighbors to tour in order for them to grow from us."  To expound upon that notion, we would say that we have invited many into our classrooms, not just the collaborative setting, but in many other areas.

Recently, in a neighboring system, a mutually shared consultant sat in observance of a meeting and repeatedly heard, "but Brantley said...but Brantley said."  Who was the Brantley?  Where was he from?  What was his last name?  He soon found out that the last name was School as in Brantley School.

It is said that mockery is the greatest form of flattery. At least four other systems, all of whom have visited at least one of OUR schools, have followed our lead with the math initiative.  Know that what we have done, are doing, and will do, does not only affect our students but many others across the area.  Let us encourage one another to "Keep on Keeping on!"