Highland Home School held its homecoming festivities on Friday, October 4, 2013. The homecoming court consisted of Elementary attendant, Everette Palmer; Miss Football 2013, Sarah Best;
Miss Homecoming 2013, Sarah Wood; Senior attendant, Shannon Taylor, Primary attendant, Madeline Jane Crowe; Middle School attendant, Elizabeth Ruckel; Freshman attendant, Brianna Bowen; Sophomore attendant, Kaydra Strength; Junior attendant, Sayge Snell. Congratulations to all who participated!
HHS Homecoming Court 2013 and Senior Members of the Football Team |
Queen Sarah Wood and Her Court |
Principal Fullington Recognizes the Alumni of the Year, Coach John Hoffman |
The Fly Boys blasted the New Brockton Gamecocks by a score of 62-35. |
Principal Fullington Recognizes Helen Jessie Gamble as the
Recipient of the Squadron Pride Award |