Friday, February 7, 2014

Health Science Happenings

Crenshaw County health occupations students are acquiring knowledge, developing new skills, sharing learned knowledge with fellow students, all while gearing up for state competitions.

Over the next few weeks Dr. Gammage, local veterinarian, is visiting all 3 Health Science Foundations classes explaining what life is like as a veterinarian. (Most perhaps do not realize that Mrs. Conrnelius beams herself out of her classroom daily to HHS and BHS.)  On Thursday, Dr. Gammage visited BHS and demonstrated how to conduct a physical on a dog and shared some x-ray films. She will go to HHS and LHS soon.  See the pictures below.  Thank you Dr. Gammage!

Also below  are pictures of students preparing for the State HOSA Competition scheduled for February 20 and 21. Students are competing in a variety of events such as the  HOSA BOWL, Health Education, Career Health Display, Outstanding HOSA Chapter (involves creating a scrapbook), Prepared Speaking, Medical Spelling and Medical Photography.  Good luck students!

The Health Education Team taught a group of 7th graders about avoiding prescription drug abuse and the effects of this risky behavior.  See the picture below.

Keep up the good work!