It was said that Ms. Jeenenan James' classes were doing an "awesome" job preparing for the ASPIRE via a reading carousel. Carousel Brainstorming (also known as Rotating
Review) provides scaffolding for new information to be learned or
existing information to be reviewed through movement, conversation, and
reflection. Carousel Brainstorming is a cooperative learning activity that can be
used both to discover and discuss background knowledge prior to studying
a new topic, as well as for review of content already learned. This
technique allows for small group discussion, followed by whole-class
reflection. While taking part in Carousel Brainstorming, small groups of students
rotate around the classroom, stopping at various “stations” for a
designated period of time (usually 1-2 minutes). At each station,
students activate their prior knowledge of a topic or concept and share
their ideas with their small group. Each group posts their ideas at
each station for all groups to read. This particular carousel included the following stations:
- Reading comprehension
- Foods that help your brain focus
- Coloring to relieve a little stress
- Ways to relieve test anxiety
- Context clues
- Journal entry about what each student will do to be prepared for testing
Keep up the good work students, Thank you Ms. James for your leadership.