Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hinson's Classes enter Fine Arts Contest

In honor of national poetry month, all of the 9th graders at Luverne High School are entering the Alabama School of Fine Arts annual writing contest. Here are some samples of student’s submissions.

“The Final Salute”
By Blake Meadows

To the frontlines we march into battle
The officers dismount off their saddle
Secretly, the horses whisper good luck
The first shot and I told him to duck
But the gun said “Pow!”
And now I ask myself how
Could this happen to such a young buck
He is loaded onto the injury truck
 We were together for so long
And now “Taps” is his theme song
Just wait, old friend, for a shift in the tides
And I’ll see you on the other side

“Visiting Hours”
By: La’Darion Harrell

Sometimes I wish Heaven had visiting hours
Instead of going to the grave and staring at flowers
Just a few more minutes with family and friends
People I thought I would be with to the end
But when it rains and I look to the sky
It’s cold and feels like when angels cry
When I think about everyone I have lost
It makes my heart cold like frost
But when I kneel down and pray
I’m thankful that I’m blessed to see another day
You can’t control those that you lose
It’s not your power to choose
It’s all in God’s hands
Not in any man’s
So live right so when it’s your time to go

You will be reunited with family and friends at heaven’s door