Friday, May 2, 2014

What To Do When the Cow Won't Moo

Please, a round of applause for Luverne School's First Graders as they did a remarkable job performing "E-I-E-I Oops!"  A large crowd enjoyed the barnyard actors' attempts to make  the farmer's cow m-o-o-o-o, and, alas, it did!  This was the 31st First Grade Play.  All proceeds from the performance were given to the Elaine Goodwin Scholarship that is given annually to a deserving senior LHS student.  The 4-year scholarship is renewable.  

At the conclusion of the PTA Meeting, retired teacher, Mrs. Penny Perdue, recognized the First Grade teachers and gave a gift and special recognition to Ms. Judy Wilson, who is retiring this year.  

Great job all!

Special Thanks to these teachers:  Mrs. Shea Simmons,
Mrs. Lisa Lawrence, and Ms. Judy Wilson