Thursday, February 2, 2012

Belt Buckle Classic Held

Brantley School FFA Members

Many of our students spent last Saturday, January 28, at the Belt Buckle Classic hosted by the Crenshw County Junior Cattlemen's Association. Over 30 animals from from throughout Alabama and North Florida participated.  Mr. Perry Catrett is the CCJCA advisor.  Pictured here are BHS FFA members Caleb Petty, Matthew Hudson, Emily Alverson, and Cassidy Catrett.  FFA Advisor Mark Andrews was also in attendance.  

Also pictured are the Crenshaw County Junior Cattlemen youth who participated showing steers and heifers.  They are:  Justin Rhodes - son of Michelle and Ronald Rhodes of Highland Home, and Cameron and Cassidy Catrett - daughters of Perry and Ashley Catrett of Brantley. Justin, Cameron, and Cassidy will now compete in Dothan for district competition in February and in Montgomery for state competition in March.
Justin Rhodes, Cameron Catrett, and Cassidy Catrett